The beginning of this week consisted of us beginning to learn about the supporting structures of D3: HTML and CSS. Although our understanding of D3 had grown, our knowledge of the base HTML/CSS coding was not at a level good enough to further study D3.
The Monday of this week of the bioinformatics internship began with learning how to create a scatter plot of a set of genes and how they correspond to the amount of normal lobular and ductal cells, as can be seen below.
After that we took the average values using the “=AVERAGE” function in Excel. After figuring out how to use a .csv file in an HTML document we moved on to figure out the code for the actual scatter plot. After making the scatter plot we moved on to add a bar graph that shows up when we hover over one of the scatter plot dots. It took a considerable effort to get both graphs onto the same layout design without messing with each other, especially due to the fact that we used two different methods to obtain the scatter plot and the bar graph. After getting both graphs working together the next challenge was to make the bar graph appear when the mouse was moved over the scatter plot.
We began the day by getting ready for our presentations which were to focus on our names, such as its roots, famous people with our name, and common nicknames.
Once that was done we quickly jumped into learning about HTML and CSS in Codecademy. The beginning sections were done together in front of our projector with everyone chipping in, showing that even our groups weakest coders (such as myself) could pick up HTML easily.
Even that was quickly interrupted when we had to go to Starbucks to present in public. While at Starbucks we prepared for our Game Dev Tycoon tournament. After the preparations we started with Mehmed and went through Cansu, Neslihan, Fatma, Mustafa and Ahmet. Only Cansu, Ahmet and I (Mustafa) remembered to make a PDF version instead of a Powerpoint. And finally it was time to get our Game Dev Tycoon tournament underway. The rule was to check who was ahead on money every ten minutes and record it, with the ultimate scoring based on who made the most overall money. In the end my team composed of Fatma, Seyit and Aysegul won.
To round up we were giving the homework to start the HTML Basics course in Codecademy.
Today we started the day by continuing our adventures in HTML and CSS on Codecademy. Since we were having problems with our wireless connection properly loading Codecademy we also had a short session of choosing a VPN (virtual private network) to connect properly to Codecademy. Seen below is the HTML and CSS sections from the button lessons.
After some modifications the final results:
Since everyone was doing the exercises on their own accounts instead of helping one person with a projector the progress of everyone was varied to say the least.
We continued the day by having the second Game Dev Tycoon tournament, but this time it was in a free for all style. We practiced for a while before jumping in to the tournament with fresh companies. The winners were Cansu, Seyit, and Mustafa (me).
To round up the day we had a Skype conversation with Ceyhun Ercan, a student at Abant Izzet Baysal University. He began by saying that he enjoyed our recently concluded Hackathon. Then he said how the bioinformatics internship he took a part in really helped him because of the tempo oriented education style Mr. Ahmet employs. The presentations he gave in the internship can be used very effectively for commercial applications. Next up we talked about how our group first got interested in coding. Lastly he gave us the advice to use Bioinformatics for Dummies as a nice reference for bioinformatics.
Coming soon...
That concludes the beginning of the first week of August. In the second half of this week we will continue with HTML, dive into R, and potentially see Django.
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